Living a Brain-Healthy Lifestyle in Color

If you’ve followed me for a minute, you’ve probably heard me talk about eating the rainbow. Well, here’s another reason to add to the list of why rainbow eating is so important.

Did you know that the last 3 colors of the rainbow, namely blue, indigo and violet, support your mental and cognitive health?

Blue and purple foods contain lots of antioxidants, especially the ones that protect the brain and nervous system from oxidative stress and inflammation.

The antioxidant flavonoids that give these foods their beautiful blue or purple pigment are called anthocyanins and they are especially powerful because they can cross the blood-brain barrier to directly affect brain cells. From there they can help improve blood flow as well as vascular and cognitive function. These compounds also improve memory by preventing damage to brain cells and reducing inflammation.

There are many studies about the effect of berries on cognitive health. Here are just a few of the discoveries:

  • One study showed that consuming blueberries (and strawberries) reduced the rate of cognitive decline and blueberries alone improved memory. Adding just 1 cup daily is helpful for improved cognitive function

  • Plums contain a compound called chlorogenic acid which can also cross the blood-brain barrier and provide neuroprotective benefits

  • Another study found that consuming blueberries and strawberries increased neurogenesis, which is the development of new neurons in the brain

There is so much evidence that colorful plant foods not only support the brain, but they reduce the risk of all disease!

I recently did a presentation at the Cleveland Clinic Ruvo Center for Brain Health on how to live a brain-healthy lifestyle and the superfoods (berries and then some!) that are a must for supporting your cognitive health. I want to share it with you HERE

Better Nutrition for a Healthy Brain is also available on the Cleveland Clinic website if you’d like to share it with someone you love.

Be Well!


Is Your Green Juice a Healthier Choice?


What it Means to Eat the Rainbow and Why You Want To