The Smoothie Kids Love

As moms who love our kids, we all want them to eat healthy foods that will support their growing bodies. When your child has special needs, nutrition becomes even more important to helping to manage the signs and symptoms they are facing.

If breakfast is a challenge, or you find your kids are typically requesting sugary foods, give this smoothie a try.

Kids like this one for breakfast or snack because of the fun pink color and sweet taste (without any added sugar).

You’ll like it for its health benefits, like these:

  • both fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, with strawberries providing plenty of Vitamin C and fiber and bananas featuring a type of fiber called resistant for healthy gut function.

  • oats are a perfect food for kids because of their fiber and the slow-burning carbohydrate provide steady energy for their brains and bodies to use all day long

  • hemp seeds are a great source Vitamin E, zinc, magnesium and the healthy fats important to brain health. Plus they provide a healthy dose of complete protein for your child

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

1 cup unsweetened almond (or coconut) milk

1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries (organic if possible)

1/2 banana

2 Tbsp rolled oats (gluten-free if necessary)

1 Tbsp hemp seeds

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Note: if your child is a chocolate lover, add a teaspoon of raw cacao powder for even more antioxidant power.


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