National Wellness Month

August is back to school month in most places, but it’s also National Wellness Month. That means for caregivers (and everyone else), it’s a great time to focus on what YOU can do to improve your wellness. When you’re caring for someone with CF or any condition, and it’s summertime, your wellness routine (if you had one) goes on the back burner (or is it always on the back burner?).

In any case, if you know you need to do more for your health and you’ve been thinking about where to start, this is a great time to take some action.

Now, you don’t want to take on too many changes at once because that may be overwhelming and, when we get overwhelmed, we tend to give up and go back to our old habits pretty quickly., So, what are some simple things you can do to upgrade your health?


As I always say. “food first.” Food is the most powerful medicine for your body, and adding in some high-quality foods like fruits and veggies will go a long way to boosting your energy, clearing your skin, improving immunity and digestion,and reducing your risk of all disease. Try adding one colorful fruit or vegetable to each meal for a week and see how you do. Maybe oats and blueberries for breakfast, green salad with your sandwich for lunch, a side of roasted broccoli or carrots with your dinner. If you need support with planning balanced meals, you know who to call (me, obviously…lol)

Sleep Routine

If you’re on your phone or laptop right up until the time you go to bed, then the exposure to blue light is going to keep you stimulated and awake (or unable to stay asleep). Try powering down your devices a couple of hours before bed and take on a new habit. For example, how about a 15 minute Epsom salt and calming essential oil bath, or reading a book (actual paper, not digital). Also, practice getting to bed and waking up at the same time each day (try to get at least 7 hours of good rest). This will help your body adjust to a schedule and get more quality sleep.


Being active is good for your heart, lungs, mood, and pretty much everything in between! Moving for even 15 minutes is better than not at all. If you are sedentary, try dong an online workout for 15-30 minutes just a couple of days a week and work your way up to more as you can.

Meditation & Yoga

It is well-known that both of these practices support a healthy mind and body, relieving stress and calming the nervous system. Find 10 minute meditation video (there are lots of them on YouTube) and block off the time in your schedule to calm your body and mind (you can even do this while waiting for the kids in the school pick-up line). Or try a yoga class once or twice and make it part of your routine as well. We will never get rid of stress, but there are things we can do to manage it

Buy an Organic Skincare Kit

Supporting a healthier body has to do with what you put inside (see the nutrition tips above) and what you put on the outside. An amazing upgrade to your health comes from adopting a healthier skincare routine that includes organic products. Hunt around online for whatever your skin concerns are (aging, oily or dry skin, puffiness, etc) and treat yourself to the daily self-care you deserve

Plan Healthy Meals & Snacks for You and Your Family

This is related to the nutrition section, but part of the way your food “upgrade” will stick is by doing some planning and prepping in advance. My clients always tell me they didn’t think they had the time to cook healthy food, but they’re pleasantly surprised when it all comes together because they had a plan. Schedule time to shop and prep, and the rest of your week will be easy.

Cut Down on Sugar

The white stuff is not the best fuel for your body and can lead to health issues down the road (obesity, diabetes, cancer, to name a few). Try to limit your “added sugar” intake this month to no more than 6 teaspoons (1 tsp = 4 grams) Read labels, look at how much you’re getting in daily and make an effort to cut back. If you want some help figuring it out, email me to get my Added Sugar Quiz. Then we can talk about where sugar is sneaking into your diet and how to do a little bit better.


Treat yourself to a relaxing massage this month. Stress can literally tie you in knots and if you’re not taking time to relax and unwind, the knots can just persist. Get a Groupon or see if your local massage place has a first-time customer discount.

I know this list seems like a lot, but like I said, don’t try to do it all. Pick one or two things to try that you think are realistic for you to do successfully. If you implement those with no problem, try adding others.

Finally, don’t limit healthy new habits to August just because it’s National Wellness Month. Try to implement a new habit every month and your body will thank you all year round.

Be Well!


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